There’s still reason for gratitude this Thanksgiving, even if you’re TTC

First Covid, then infertility, and now a Thanksgiving without family and friends?

You may be wondering if 2020 can get any more isolating.

There’s no doubt this year has been incredibly difficult, but if you’ve been trying to conceive unsuccessfully, your anxiety may have been even more pronounced.

And to top that off, now that the country is facing a second wave of the pandemic, experts have warned against spending Thanksgiving the good old-fashioned way, with lots of people we love in close proximity.

So what’s there to be grateful about, and how can you feel a little more connected this Thanksgiving?

Discover some ideas below, and remember that practicing gratitude can make a big difference in how you experience your journey, no matter what direction it takes.


  1. Have an hours-long Zoom dinner with your loved ones


Connecting with family and friends is even more essential when you’re feeling defeated, sad, and unsure about your own family-building journey. So this year, why not celebrate the holiday – and the health of your family – over Zoom? The popular video conference service announced it is lifting its 40-minute limit for non-subscribers on November 26, so now’s your chance to have that 4-hr video call you’ve been joking about.


  1. Pay special attention to your partner


Before you decided to become three, you were two – and things were pretty good. You can tap into those memories to show gratitude to your partner when it matters most – at a time when you both need a little more care and love. Chances are, your partner has been affected by infertility too, but maybe hasn’t known how to talk about it. Instead, they’ve just been there for you. Now’s the time to return the favor. Sit down with your partner and write down all the things you love about one another. Feed each other pumpkin pie. Make love instead of having sex. And just laugh. It’ll do you both a world of good.


  1. Try to feel good that you can seek fertility care


If you’re like most people, Covid put a big dent into your life – your social activities, your ability to go to the office, even the chance to get a haircut. But for RMA patients, Covid didn’t affect their ability to seek care safely. The vast majority of our clinics stayed open throughout the pandemic, ensuring that patients who needed care got it. Being able to safely access fertility treatment over the last eight months, and into the next wave, means you don’t have to put your pregnancy plans on hold at a time when everything else seems to be paused. Plus, with major breakthroughs in fertility science over the last few decades, your chances of success, especially through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), have never been better.


  1. Get outside and get moving


If there is one thing that beats the blues and brings gratitude into your life, it’s spending time in nature and getting some exercise. From releasing those feel-good hormones endorphins, to reminding you of the beauty in the world, the outdoors has a special way of bringing everything back into balance.


  1. Practice self-compassion, and trust you will be a loving parent


When you’re trying to conceive and can’t, it can be easy to blame yourself. But even if just for Thanksgiving, try to give yourself some grace. Instead of feeling down on yourself, remember that infertility is a medical condition, and is not your fault. Remind yourself how determined you are to build your family, and how much love you have to give your future baby.

RMA wishes you and yours a safe, happy, and grateful Thanksgiving.

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