The Gift of Genetic Testing
This time of year families gather to celebrate holiday traditions, think about the year ahead and remember the years gone by. Health and prosperity are top-of-mind for many as they make resolutions for the New Year. Many couples will make life's most exciting resolution this year--the decision to start a family. While the choice to become a parent can be filled with excitement and exhilaration, some individuals face apprehension and anxiety--knowing that they could pass along genetic diseases to their children. This is where the gift of genetic testing comes in. Every parent wants a happy, healthy baby. Parents will move
The Benefits of SelectCCS Comprehensive Chromosome Screening
Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (CCS) is a type of preimplantation genetic screening that evaluates all 23 pairs of human chromosomes in search of any abnormalities (aneuploidy).  Aneuploidy is the term used to describe any embryo with either too many or too few chromosomes. Greater than 60% of miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities, with increased incidence due to age. The purpose of Select CCS is to analyze, select and transfer only embryos that are euploidy (embryos  that have the correct number of chromosomes).  Screening embryos in advance can help achieve higher implantation rates and fewer pregnancy losses, particularly for women 35 years
When is it safe for PGD to be performed on an embryo?
"PGD performed on an embryo at the Blastocyst Stage(Day5)  is safer than DNA sampling done on Cleavage Stage (Day3) embryos," says Dr. Paul Bergh, MD, FACOG. Pre-Genetic Diagnosis or PGD is a technique that enables people to look at the genetic make-up of an embryo prior to implantation. It can help individuals with a specific inheritance condition in their family to avoid passing it on to their children or by identifying aneuploidy (abnormal number of chromosomes). As you age, you are at an increased risk of genetic abnormalities. These abnormalities lessen your chance of getting pregnant and increase your risk for miscarriage. There

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