Happy Birthday Louise Brown
The world’s first birth after in vitro fertilization (IVF) turned 38 years old this past Monday– Louise Brown was born at Oldham General Hospital in England on July, 25 1978. Making it a family affair, her sister Natalie Brown was born four years later and was the world’s fortieth IVF baby. These “medical miracles” were made possible by scientific breakthroughs which would result in a Nobel Prize and over 5 million babies world-wide. The early years of IVF presented to great challenges. Success rates were exceedingly low which caused doctors and patients to try and “beat the odds” by placing back
Frequently Asked Questions about being a patient at RMANJ
Why have the physicians and staff of IVF New Jersey joined RMANJ? With the addition of the IVF New Jersey physicians and staff our organization can be more responsive to the needs and hopes of patients from New Jersey and around the world. This opportunity provides patients many advantages including some of the highest delivery rates in the US, more choices of providers, locations, appointment hours, and the widest scope of cutting edge fertility treatment options available anywhere. We are very proud and excited to have the physicians and staff from IVF New Jersey join the RMANJ team. How does this affect my
The Uterus Transplant: a risky procedure in search of an indication
There has been an extraordinary amount of media attention on what at first glance seems like an amazing medical breakthrough: the first baby born after a uterine transplantion. While there is reason to celebrate this medical breakthrough, some of the enthusiasm may be overstated. A recent news story from the UK, for example, reported that this procedure provides hope for "tens of thousands" of women to conceive. With a careful consideration of the relevant issues, it will become clear that uterine transplantation should rarely, if ever, be performed in the US, where many states permit the use of gestational carriers
Single Embryo Transfer in the eyes of an OBGYN – Dr. Allan Kessel
“Where you stand depends on where you sit.”  These words could not be truer for couples undergoing IVF treatments.  Some of these couples will have the opportunity to transfer one embryo (single embryo transfer, or SET) or two in what becomes one of the most important decisions of their entire treatment.  For many, there will be a significant temptation to have two embryos implanted.  This based on a desire to maximize the chances of at least one child, or to “get two pregnancies over with” at once.  However, there is one person who will be the most interested in a
Getting Pregnant after 40 With or Without Fertility Treatment
Until the last several years, the common wisdom was that all the wonderful advances at improving the “take home baby” rate for the infertile mainly benefited women under the age of 35. Women over the age of 38 to 40 were encouraged (pushed?) to use donor eggs or, to a lesser degree, donor embryos. Medical science had little to offer them. It’s nice to be able to report that this stubborn fact is beginning to change. Dr. Marcy Maguire, a reproductive endocrinologist at RMA New Jersey, offered real hope for women over 40 to get pregnant and deliver a healthy baby. Advances
Dr. Eric Forman Says Single Embryo Transfers Have Higher Success Rates
Dr. Eric Forman recently visited NJTV News studio in Montclair, NJ to speak on the importance of Single Embryo Transfers to avoid the risk of multiple gestation births.  Research from Reproductive Medicine Associates of New Jersey (RMANJ) has shown doctors don't need to use multiple embryos for a successful IVF pregnancy. Dr. Eric Forman say... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkHZvCXHw44

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