Many women discover that they are pregnant after a home pregnancy test or bloodwork is positive. However, becoming pregnant involves more than simply engaging in sex, as many people with infertility have experienced. For a woman to conceive, several important steps within the body need to take place.

Implantation is a crucial step in the human reproduction process. It happens when the fertilized egg, now an embryo, attaches to the lining of the uterus. Once implantation occurs, the body demonstrates several signs indicating early pregnancy. In this blog, you’ll discover more about implantation symptoms and the early signs of pregnancy.

Understanding the Implantation Process

Implantation is essential in a successful pregnancy, which begins following conception. Once the sperm and egg meet in one of the fallopian tubes, they form a zygote. The zygote makes its way down the fallopian tube as it begins to divide and becomes a morula. The morula is a solid mass of cells that develops from a fertilized egg. As it reaches the uterus, the morula becomes a blastocyst. At the blastocyst stage, the embryo implants into the uterine lining, or endometrium. These steps encompass the implantation process.

Several factors need to align for successful implantation to take place, including:

  • Sufficient levels of pregnancy hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone
  • Adequate blood flow to the uterus
  • A healthy embryo
  • A responsive endometrium (the uterine lining)
  • A good state of the woman’s health

If implantation is unsuccessful, the uterine lining is shed during a woman’s menses. This is the body’s way of preparing for another attempt at pregnancy.

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Timing and Duration of Implantation

When does implantation occur? The amount of time it takes varies and typically depends on how long it takes the embryo to reach the uterus. Generally, implantation occurs within two weeks after conception, typically between 6 and 12 days.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Implantation

The signs of implantation are the indicators of early pregnancy. Implantation symptoms include:

Implantation Bleeding

Some women will experience very light bleeding or spotting, known as implantation bleeding. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), up to 25% of women experience bleeding during pregnancy or spotting in the first trimester. Implantation could be the cause of early first-trimester bleeding.

Very often, pregnant women confuse this type of bleeding for a menstrual period because of its timing. Differences in color and flow can help to differentiate between the two. If there is any question about the cause or type of bleeding, please contact your provider.

Implantation Dip

Tracking basal body temperature (BBT) on a fertility calendar helps prospective parents identify the times of the month they are most fertile. A brief, one-day drop in BBT by several tenths of a degree can occur as a result of successful implantation. This is known as the implantation dip. However, BBT alone cannot be used to reliably signify implantation.

Cramps, Tender Breasts, and Back Pain

Hormones rapidly shift in early pregnancy following implantation, which is why at-home pregnancy tests won’t reveal a positive result until after implantation.

The sudden surge of hormones can cause cramping in some women. In addition to implantation cramping, women can also experience tender breasts and lower back pain.

Vaginal Discharge

Those who monitor their body’s cervical mucus may notice changes around the time of implantation. During ovulation, the mucus produced in the cervix will appear clear with a stretchy and slippery consistency. After implantation, mucus can become a thicker texture and be white in appearance.


Morning sickness is one of the most well-known symptoms of pregnancy. The body’s increased levels of progesterone following implantation can contribute to feelings of nausea. Furthermore, rising levels of Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and a more sensitive sense of smell can make the nausea worse.

Mood Swings

A person can also experience sudden changes in mood following implantation. Estrogen and progesterone levels, as well as hCG levels, increase very rapidly after successful implantation, which causes an individual to experience rapid mood swings.

Other signs of implantation can include:

  • Headaches
  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Food cravings and aversions
  • Fatigue
  • Heartburn
  • Missed period

Fertility Treatment at RMA Network

Becoming pregnant is a rewarding experience for prospective parents but requires several steps. Successful implantation is a crucial component of receiving positive pregnancy test results.

The body often indicates implantation has taken place through various signs. However, these symptoms can also indicate other potentially concerning issues. For greater certainty, individuals should speak to their OB/GYN or a reproductive healthcare provider to learn if they’ve experienced implantation.

For those unable to achieve pregnancy naturally, there are alternatives. The fertility specialists at RMA Network help hopeful parents achieve implantation through advanced fertility treatments. Contact us today for more information about implantation symptoms or to schedule your first visit.