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Easy IVF & FET Due Date Calculator

Easy IVF & FET Due Date Calculator

An IVF pregnancy due date is typically two weeks shorter since there is no two-week buffer as with a natural conception.

In IVF, there is no need to account for the body’s egg release and ovulation once an embryo is implanted. Calculate your IVF due date below and learn answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about IVF and embryo transfers.

Please note: Every pregnancy is different regardless if you conceived naturally or via IVF. The dates provided by the calculator are estimates and should only be used as a guide to when you are likely to go into labor.

Due Date Calculator


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1st Trimester

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2nd Trimester

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3rd Trimester

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Starting a family may prove easier for some couples than others. Regardless of the means of conception, a positive pregnancy test is exciting.

  • The average pregnancy lasts approximately 40 weeks.
  • For a natural conception, the date is calculated using the first day of the mother’s prior period.
  • In IVF patients, the date of the egg retrieval or, more commonly, the date of transfer into the uterus starts the calculation.
  • Why are the due dates for a Frozen Embryo Transfer Day 5, Day 6, Day 7 the same?

    By day 5/6/7, a normally developing embryo, is a rapidly dividing ball of cells known as a blastocyst. Allowing an embryo to develop to this stage allows us to identify and select the embryo with the highest chance of success.

    We do not differentiate between due dates as they are all considered frozen embryo transfers at the blastocyst stage.

  • What is the difference between fresh and frozen transfers?

    IVF is a process where retrieved eggs are fertilized with sperm outside the body and then implanted back into the uterus. The lining of the uterus must be in the proper condition so that the embryo implants successfully.

    The timing of the process is critical so in some cases, embryos may be implanted within days of fertilization. This is considered a fresh transfer. Other times, the mother’s body may not be ready to receive the implantation, so the embryos are frozen to be transferred at a later date. A frozen transfer allows for the window that the embryo is able to implant and the uterus is able to receive the embryo to better line up.

  • Why does RMA only do frozen embryo transfers?

    RMA only performs frozen embryo transfers (FET). FET has become the preferred method for several reasons. First and foremost, the procedure has shown the highest rates for successful implantation and pregnancy.

    Whether it is a week or three months after fertilization, choosing the proper timing to implant an embryo raises the likelihood that the uterus is receptive and ready. Giving the uterus time to build a sufficient lining allows the connection between embryo and placenta to be stronger. Babies born due to frozen embryo transfer have higher birth weights, and these pregnancies are less high risk.

  • What is ICSI, and will it affect my due date?

    Before an embryo can be implanted, successful fertilization must occur. When a couple conceives naturally, the head of the sperm attaches to the outer edge of the egg, allowing the sperm to push through and enter the inside of the egg. It is here, at the cytoplasm, where fertilization occurs, and an embryo is created.

    However, in some instances, sperm cannot get through the outer layer of an egg. It may be due to the overall thickness of the egg. It may also be because the sperm is unable to swim as it should. Regardless, through IVF, a procedure called intracytoplasmic sperm injection or ICSI can be performed.

    One sperm is injected through the outer egg wall directly into the egg’s cytoplasm during this procedure. This process ensures that the sperm fertilizes the egg. ICSI has no impact on the due date calculation since only fertilized eggs are implanted.

  • What day is the best day to transfer your embryo?

    The date for embryo transfer is dependent on where in her cycle a woman is. Suppose she has been undertaking estrogen and progesterone therapy to build the uterine lining. In that case, the transfer will typically occur five days after the commencement of progesterone supplementation.

    On the day when the transfer is to occur, the frozen embryo is thawed. The thawing process generally does not affect whether or not an embryo will implant.

  • Will genetic testing affect my embryo transfer?

    Preimplantation screening for genetic anomalies helps your embryologist and physician determine whether an embryo will be viable. However, genetic testing is optional. Those patients who should consider it include:

    • Women over the age of 35
    • Females with a history of miscarriage
    • Those who carry a genetic defect or a family history of one

    Genetic testing is commonly performed when the embryo has 100 cells, which occurs between days five and seven. Therefore, with frozen embryo transfers, the timing of genetic testing has no bearing on when the transfer occurs.

    Every pregnancy is unique, and as such, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how the process unfolds. For more information, contact RMA for assistance.

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