Mark Bush
Denver, COLittleton, COLone Tree, CO
"When patients come to Conceptions for the first time, I’ve reviewed their past care, they feel listened to, and they have shared that oftentimes they feel a sense of relief. There is a lot of infertility misinformation out there. We can give them real explanations for why they are not able to become pregnant on their own and discuss a clear plan on how to move forward."
Dr. Mark Bush is a distinguished expert in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility who has committed his career to helping build families.
"I have been a physician for over 30 years. I cannot imagine doing anything else. With the help of so many clinicians, embryologists, nurses, and staff, we've built Conceptions into one of the leading fertility centers in Colorado and across the US. We understand why hopeful parents come to us, and we are committed daily to offering the safety and success each patient deserves."
His passion for molecular biology and surgery initially guided him to reproductive endocrinology. Integrating these two disciplines was a unique opportunity for Dr. Bush to contribute to reproductive medicine and address genetic issues.
Dr. Bush's academic journey began with a biology degree from UC Berkeley, where he graduated with high honors. His undergraduate studies were marked by distinguished research in molecular biology.
Soon after, Dr. Bush earned his medical degree from Georgetown University and then completed a residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at William Beaumont and Texas Tech. His specialized training in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility was pursued through a three-year fellowship at Duke University.
"There is no replacement for wisdom and experience. I was always interested in sharing the knowledge I had obtained through my training and paying it forward."
Dr. Bush has assumed various academic roles throughout his career, from Division Director in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility to Associate Professor at numerous medical institutions.
"Each of these roles allowed me in small part to forward the knowledge and skills that my mentors so generously gave to me."
In 2004, Dr. Bush transitioned from academia to Colorado, joining Conceptions. Under his guidance, the center pioneered day-five embryo culture in 2006 and introduced chromosome and genetic assessments of embryos in 2009. His tenure at Conceptions has been transformative.
"Part of building something great is recruiting good people, giving them the right environment, and turning them loose. At Conceptions, I had the opportunity to build my team and provide them with the latitude to do what they excel at for the benefit of our patients. That's still how we operate at Conceptions today. We give each other autonomy under a shared vision." Dr. Bush emphasizes.
"At Conceptions, we prioritize academic rigor in our medical practices. Our time-tested and constantly evolving protocols always put the patient's needs at the forefront. We focus on understanding and addressing each patient's situation rather than pushing for costly treatments. A consultation at Conceptions is an opportunity to explore reasons for infertility and discuss potential solutions."
Personalizing Your Fertility Journey
“If a patient does decide to enter therapy after their initial consultation, they can rest assured that I will be personally managing and assuming responsibility for their journey. Not only do I do the consultations and develop a care plan with the patient, but I am personally involved in all aspects of their care."
"I perform their uterine surgery if required and coordinate with the lab on every aspect of embryo development. This is one of the benefits of receiving treatment at a privately-owned clinic. We can control and optimize every aspect of patient care. We are dedicated to optimal patient outcomes first and foremost – as medicine should be practiced,” added Dr. Bush.
When not helping people realize their dreams of parenthood, Dr. Bush can be found in the great outdoors of Colorado. Whether he’s hiking, mountain biking, skiing, or golfing – his family is always nearby. Dr. Bush is also an avid reader and enjoys the works of John Steinbeck for his compassionate, thoughtful prose and John Updike for his insights into our modern era. Dr. Bush states “good authors are worth relishing!” Musical tastes include 70’s lead guitarists such as Robin Trower, Dwayne Allman, Jimmy Page and the like.
“What’s most important to me at the end of the day is helping bring beautiful daughters and sons into the world. For nothing is more important than family.”
Appearances & Awards
- Medical Director at Conceptions who has established innovative IVF protocols as well as the Complete Chromosomal Screening (CCS) program.
- 23 peer-reviewed publications with many recent articles involving clinically relevant infertility topics.
- Physician's Recognition Award, American Medical Association (AMA), for 13 consecutive years. - 2003 to Present
- Patients' Choice Award by - 2012
- National American Fertility Association Joyce M. Vargyas Visionary Award - 2011
- American College of OB/GYN CREOG National Faculty Award - 2001
- Read the research study conducted by Dr. Bush and embryologist Glenn Proctor on the pregnancy outcomes from more than 1,800 in vitro fertilization cycles published in the journal Fertility and Sterility.