12 Tips For Planning Summer Vacations Around Fertility Treatments

The summer months are very popular for traveling. Although most people already have enough to pack, don’t forget how important it is to plan your packing and trip to include your cycle medications and routine blood work while you’re away.

Here are 12 tips for traveling during your treatment cycles:

  1. Make sure to keep emergency contact information for RMA as well as your fertility pharmacy just in case you need to call while away.
  2. If your cycle is getting close to the point of needing to take your trigger shot to be sure to bring your HCG with you.
  3. If the frozen items are partially melted, slushy, or if any liquid is present at the bottom of the container they are packed in, the container must comply with the TSA’s 3-1-1 rule, which is summarized as follows: the liquid/gel cannot exceed 3.4 oz. (100ml) and must be stored in a clear, resealable bag no larger than 1 quart. These items must be presented for screening separately from other carry-on items, and you should inform the TSA agent of the purpose of the ice pack(s) prior to the screening of these items.
  4. Pack all medications in a Ziploc bag and be sure to package them appropriately so they will not be broken or damaged.
  5. If your travel plans involve flying, call your airline ahead of time to discuss the appropriate travel guidelines for traveling with syringes and needles as well as refrigerated medications.
  6. Plan accordingly and make sure you have enough medication to last the entire trip. If not, ask your nurse for a script for additional medication before leaving.
  7. If you’re traveling for an extended period of time and it’s possible that you may need to refill prescriptions while away, contact your insurance company to make sure you receive authorization for additional medications prior to running out.
  8. As long as the guidelines allow, keep your medication in your carry-on luggage in the event your luggage gets lost or stolen during your trip.
  9. Frozen liquid or gel packs are allowed on board to keep medications cool, as long as they are frozen solid when presented for screening at security. Keep in mind, most airlines do not accept ice made from water. There is no size restriction on the packs or the container they are packed in, (they can be larger than the 3.4 oz. limit on other liquids; the container cannot be larger than the permitted carry-on bag size set by the airline) as long as they are secure and do not leak or drip.
  10. The medications themselves – it is not required that they be in their original packaging, but it is strongly advised that they are, if possible.
  11. Don’t forget the essentials such as gauze, alcohol wipes, and band-aids.
  12. If you are required to get blood work or an ultrasound done while away please make sure you plan accordingly and have your scripts handy and know where a convenient location is in comparison to your travel destination. Please contact your nurse if you have questions or concerns.

Please discuss any travel plans with your nurse ahead of time, to ensure any necessary medications can be ordered and scripts can be sent for blood work or ultrasounds if needed. If you have any questions about medications or monitoring centers, please speak with your RMA nurse or physician.

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