Can You Get Pregnant Post-Tubal Ligation? Treatment Options Explained

We often get asked on social media, “Can I get pregnant after tubal ligation?” The simple answer is yes, pregnancy after tubal ligation surgery is possible. Tubal ligation reversal surgery is possible, but often in vitro fertilization (IVF) is the most successful treatment for becoming pregnant after a tubal ligation.

Understanding tubal ligation

Tubal ligation is a permanent way to prevent pregnancy in women. The procedure is often performed after a woman has already had a child or children and at that time wishes not to have any further children.

Some reasons why a woman would want to become pregnant after tubal ligation might include the following:

  • You may have changed your mind. Some women may have thought they were finished building their family but later decided they wanted to expand it. It is normal and ok to change your mind.
  • You may have divorced or found a new partner. Building a family is a deeply emotional part of a person’s life, and often after a divorce, couples may choose to have additional children with a new partner.
  • You thought you were finished having children. Some women who have children early may not wish to have any further children, so they elect to undergo tubal ligation. Circumstances may change in the future, and adding to their family may be something they wish to do.

Tubal ligation involves a surgical procedure to block or seal the fallopian tubes, preventing the egg from traveling to the uterus and fertilizing with sperm. Tubal ligation is a successful form of permanent birth control with less than 1% of women becoming pregnant after the first year of the procedure. With that said, the procedure is reversible in some cases with surgery, or the fallopian tubes bypassed with the assistance of IVF treatment.

Tubal ligation reversal surgery

Not every patient is suitable for tubal ligation reversal surgery, and success rates vary on factors like age and prognosis. The surgery is typically performed by a reproductive endocrinologist (fertility specialist) or a gynecologic surgeon. Not all physicians in these fields perform the surgery, so looking for a surgeon with specific experience in this procedure is vital. We also recommend speaking with a fertility specialist and discussing your options before making a treatment decision concerning future family building.

Tubal ligation reversal surgery cost

The cost of tubal ligation reversal surgery ranges, on average, between $5,000 to $10,000. This cost average may not include hospital fees, follow-up appointments, or required testing. It is also important to note that most insurance policies consider tubal ligation reversal surgery an elective procedure and do not cover it.

IVF after tubal ligation

Surgery is not the only option to achieve a pregnancy after tubal ligation and is often not even the most successful. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is an assisted reproductive technology that allows for a successful pregnancy by bypassing the fallopian tubes altogether.

With IVF, eggs are retrieved and fertilized in an IVF laboratory before being transferred directly into the uterus. IVF after tubal ligation is typically the preferred treatment method recommended by reproductive endocrinologists as it often has higher success rates. Although, a woman’s age and overall health also play a role in her success.

IVF after tubal ligation cost

The cost of IVF varies by fertility clinic, state, treatment plan, and whether insurance covers a portion or all of the cycle.

The average cost of an IVF cycle in the U.S. is between $10,000 – 15,000.

Insurance coverage for IVF varies by state. Your insurance provider will be able to confirm how much of the cost your plan will cover. All our patients at Reproductive Medicine Associates (RMA) are provided with a complimentary meeting with a financial counselor who will call your insurance company on your behalf to get the most out of your insurance benefits.

Factors to consider when deciding to try for a pregnancy after a tubal ligation

Deciding to build a family again is an important and often very emotional decision requiring careful consideration. The first step in the process is to schedule an appointment with a fertility doctor to review your specific set of circumstances and to learn about the fertility treatment options available to you.

At RMA, we provide all patients with mental health resources to ensure that their bodies and mind are cared for while undergoing treatment. Both of which are equally important.

In conclusion, pregnancy after tubal ligation is possible, but it involves careful consideration and assistance from a fertility specialist. RMA supports you with the information, resources, and professional medical advice to help guide you through your fertility journey. Schedule an appointment with an RMA fertility specialist today.


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