Kates Journey – Patient Testimonial

After 18 years together, Kate L. and her husband decided it was time to start a family.

The Allentown couple was excited at the thought of a baby, but after two and a half years of trying with no success, Kate grew concerned and decided to get the answers she was seeking.

She began looking for a local infertility specialist online and decided on Reproductive Medicine Associates of Pennsylvania (RMA Lehigh Valley) whose success rates are above the national average.

“We were looking at all the different providers in the area, but none had the results like RMA Lehigh Valley,” Kate said. In addition, the central Lehigh Valley location was very convenient for Kate.

While Kate was anxious about her first appointment with RMA Lehigh Valley and the possibility she would need fertility treatment like, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), she found a lot of support when she walked through the clinic doors in April 2014.

“The first time I had to give blood for the workup, I was a wreck,” she remembered, “but everyone was so understanding of my anxiety, and no one treated me like I should know what’s going on or I was overreacting.”

“Everyone took time to help me understand my options and the procedures, and to feel comfortable.”

Equipped with all the information she needed to make a choice, Kate decided to pursue IVF to begin her family. She underwent her embryo transfer in July 2014, and her son was born in March 2015. She froze the rest of her embryos for later use, and, in June 2018 she used one of her embryos to have her daughter.

Now a mother of two healthy children, Kate is grateful her initial search led her to RMA Lehigh Valley, which she says allowed her to have “the best medical experience.”

“I did not have one single negative experience, from the receptionist to the nurses, everyone was so understanding of my anxiety.”

Her advice for those dealing with infertility today? Never give up.

“You’re tougher than you think,” she said. “Things seem overwhelming, emotionally and physically, but you’re stronger than you think you are. There is hope.”

“My kids are my life, and RMA Lehigh Valley changed my life!”


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