The cost of in vitro fertilization (IVF) can vary from state to state and may be influenced by certain factors, including the specific fertility clinic, the type of IVF cycle chosen, and any additional services or procedures required.

If you’re considering IVF in Florida, you’ve probably noticed that the costs aren’t consistent across all clinics in the state. Some clinics in Florida may offer more affordable IVF options, while others may have higher costs.

Researching and comparing prices at different clinics is important to find the best option for you, but remember that a less expensive fertility clinic may have lower success rates. To help you out, Reproductive Medicine Associates of Florida (RMA FL) has put together a guide to the cost of IVF in Florida.

Note: Costs may vary depending on your insurance type and any potential coverage for fertility treatments.

Understanding IVF Costs in Florida

The overall cost of IVF in Florida varies depending on several factors. Here’s a brief breakdown of the key components that can contribute to the price tag:

  • Region: Costs can differ between major Florida regions. Researching clinics in your area will give you a clearer picture of local pricing. For example, fertility clinics in Palm Beach may have higher prices than those in Deltona or Pensacola due to differences in living costs and service demand.
  • Clinic: Individual clinics may have varying pricing structures. It’s wise to compare the costs and services offered by different clinics.
  • Cycle specifics: The type of IVF cycle you choose can impact the overall cost. Using an egg donor or gestational carrier, for example, typically adds an additional fee to the base cost of IVF.
  • Medications: Fertility medications aren’t included in the base price of IVF and can range from a few hundred to thousands of dollars, depending on the type, dosage, and duration.
  • Additional procedures: Some cycles may require additional procedures, such as Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) or preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), which can add to the overall cost.
  • Insurance coverage: Unfortunately, many insurance plans in Florida don’t cover IVF. Be sure to review your insurance coverage to understand what, if any, portion of the IVF costs may be covered by your plan.

Average IVF Costs in Florida

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) reports the national average cost of a single IVF cycle to be around $12,400. This excludes medication costs. It’s important to note that many people require multiple cycles for a successful pregnancy, so the overall cost may be higher.

Sources suggest that the average cost of IVF in Florida can range anywhere from $10,000 to $17,000, and research suggests that IVF prices might differ by region. For instance, some reports show a range of $5,495 to $17,000 in Orlando specifically. This excludes medication costs, similar to the national average.

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IVF Egg Retrieval Costs

  • Ovary-stimulating medications before retrieval: The type, dosage, and duration of medications can impact the cost. Oral medications like Clomid and Femara, for example, can cost anywhere from $82 to $800 for a cycle, while injectable medications like Gonal-F and Menopur can range from $1,500 to $3,000 per cycle. However, you can find most of these medications at significantly discounted prices through pharmacy discount programs like GoodRx or by purchasing them from certain online pharmacies.
  • Cycle monitoring: Your fertility specialist will also need to do regular ultrasounds and blood tests to track follicle development and adjust medications.
  • Anesthesia for retrieval: The cost of anesthesia can vary depending on the type and duration of anesthesia used during the egg retrieval procedure.
  • Egg retrieval procedure: This is the surgical procedure to collect eggs from the ovaries. The cost of the egg retrieval procedure can vary based on the clinic and location in Florida, but it typically ranges from $3,000 to $5,000.

Fertilization/Embryo Culture Costs (Optional Items)

  • ICSI (a procedure where sperm is injected into the egg): Couples with male factor infertility may need to opt for ICSI or intracytoplasmic sperm injection. The cost of ICSI can range from $1,000 to $2,500 per cycle.
  • Extended embryo culture to the blastocyst stage: This optional service allows embryos to develop for a longer period of time before transfer. This can increase the chances of successful implantation and pregnancy, but it may come with an additional cost ranging from $1,500 to $3,000.
  • Embryo biopsy for chromosomal testing: PGT is a procedure that involves removing cells from embryos for genetic testing. The cost of embryo biopsy for chromosomal testing, also known as preimplantation genetic testing, can cost anywhere between $4,000 and $10,000.
  • Embryo cryopreservation or egg freezing: This allows for preserving unused embryos for future use. The cost of embryo cryopreservation or freezing can vary, but it typically ranges from $4,500 to $8,000, not including storage fees.

Fresh vs. Frozen Embryo Transfer Costs

The cost of fresh and frozen embryo transfer can also differ in IVF.

  • Fresh embryo transfer: This involves transferring a newly created embryo directly into the uterus after retrieval. There are no additional freezing or thawing costs associated with this approach. However, medications and additional monitoring may be needed.
  • Frozen embryo transfer (FET): This involves transferring a previously frozen and thawed embryo into the uterus. Several cost considerations are involved in FET, including cycle monitoring, medications, the transfer itself, and embryo cryopreservation cost and storage fees if you decide to freeze any remaining embryos.

Important Note: In some cases, a frozen embryo transfer might be more cost-effective because it allows you to avoid the potentially high cost of medications needed for a fresh transfer cycle. However, some patients may still prefer a fresh transfer due to potentially higher live birth rates.

Additional Considerations Affecting IVF Cost

  • Donor eggs: Using donor eggs increases the cost of IVF. The cost can vary depending on the donor’s experience, qualifications, and agency fees.
  • Donor sperm: Donor sperm is typically less expensive than donor eggs. Costs can vary depending on the sperm source (anonymous vs. directed donor) and sperm bank.
  • Gestational carrier: If you’re using a gestational carrier to carry the pregnancy, you’ll need to be able to cover the carrier’s compensation, medical expenses, life insurance, and legal fees.

Expert Recommendations for IVF Expenses

The financial realities of IVF can feel overwhelming, but there are ways to help manage the cost.

  • Request detailed quotes: This includes medications, monitoring fees, and any potential add-on procedures. Knowing the pricing structure will allow you to plan and budget accordingly.
  • Research clinic success rates: Success rates are crucial when choosing a clinic. While cost is important, remember that higher success rates can translate to fewer cycles needed, ultimately leading to potential cost savings in the long run. Focus on finding a clinic with a good track record that aligns with your budget.
  • Insurance coverage: Check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage for any aspect of IVF, including fertility medications or specific procedures. This can help offset some of the costs.
  • Explore financing options: Many fertility clinics offer financing plans or work with third-party lenders to help patients manage their IVF expenses.
  • Grants and programs: Research fertility grant programs or financial assistance options non-profit organizations offer. Examples include Baby Quest Foundation Grants and Footprints of Angels.
  • Consider participating in clinical trials or research studies: Some clinics offer discounted or free IVF cycles for individuals who qualify to participate in their research studies.

Expert Help at RMA of Florida

RMA of Florida understands the financial challenges associated with IVF treatment and offers various options and resources to help make it more affordable. These include:

  • Multi-cycle discount program: Select RMA locations offer multi-cycle discount programs to help make IVF more affordable for patients who need multiple cycles to achieve pregnancy.
  • Refund guarantee program: RMA of Florida offers the CareShare program to reduce the financial stress and worry associated with IVF. This program offers various benefits depending on your specific package, potentially including refunds on a portion of treatment costs if a live birth is not achieved after a certain number of cycles or reduced costs per cycle compared to traditional IVF packages.
  • Financial coordinators: RMA’s financial coordinators work with each patient individually to explore funding options. They can assist with insurance verification, provide information on financing options and grants, and help guide you through the financial aspects of IVF treatment.


IVF costs vary depending on medications, clinic experience, and additional procedures.

If you’re considering IVF in Florida, here’s what you can do:

  • Research clinics: Compare pricing structures and success rates of different clinics in your area.
  • Consult a specialist: Schedule a consultation with a fertility specialist to discuss your situation and treatment plan.
  • Develop a financial plan: Work with your specialist to create a budget that aligns with your chosen clinic and treatment approach.

By following these steps and leveraging the various options and resources available, such as multi-cycle discount programs, refund guarantee programs, and financial coordinators at clinics like RMA Florida, you can make IVF more financially feasible and accessible.

A Word From RMA Network

At RMA Network, our priority is to help make IVF treatment more accessible and affordable for individuals and couples in Florida. We understand the emotional and financial challenges associated with infertility and are dedicated to helping patients achieve their dream of building a family.

For more information on IVF costs and financial assistance options at RMA of Florida, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of our compassionate and experienced fertility specialists.

Let us guide you on your path to parenthood.

Florida IVF Treatment FAQs

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about IVF treatment in Florida.