RMA New Jersey - Jersey City Office Update

About IVI RMA Global

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IVI and RMA, two global leaders in reproductive medicine, research, assisted reproduction, and patient-centered care, became a single global company in 2017.

Infertility Knows No Boundaries

It’s estimated that 10% of the world’s childbearing population is struggling to get pregnant or stay pregnant. Whether you’re from Basking Ridge, NJ or Madrid, ES the dream of having a family sometimes needs a little help to become a reality. With the right team of global experts in the field, the safest and most innovative solutions, and commitment to success, you have reason to have hope.

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Evidence-based Fertility Care

IVI RMA is the world's leading Reproductive Medicine group. It is committed to providing evidence-based fertility solutions with the greatest chance of success in the shortest time necessary to patients seeking treatment anywhere in the world. In 2023, over 150,000 assisted reproductive treatments have been performed, with over 100 babies born each day thanks to IVI RMA.

190 Clinical Offices in 15 Countries

IVI RMA Global and its affiliated practices employ nearly 4,900 people across 190 locations worldwide, maintaining a team of over 4500 physicians and over 300 scientists and researchers. IVI RMA Global and its board of directors, comprised of the founding partners of IVI and RMA, oversee several international business units.

ivi rma global map updated 2024
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Unparalleled Experience & Expertise

“I have always pursued the goal of introducing our company (IVI) to the United States, and today, I am pleased we have made it. The key to achieving this step was RMA. We share many of the same medical, scientific, and business values and interests. This alliance will allow us to take full advantage of the expertise, experience, and distinguishing elements of both companies for the benefit of our patients and employees,” offered Dr. Antonio Pellicer, Executive Chairman of IVI RMA Global.

Speak to a Fertility Specialist & Get Started

Submit the form for an appointment. For immediate new patient scheduling, call 866-762-3140.

Call to ScheduleRequest We Call You
Schedule Your First Visit866-762-3140

Existing patients with inquiries, please call your local office or send a message via the Artemis Patient Portal.