RMA New Jersey - Jersey City Office Update

Donor Sperm

test for infertility

Using Donor Sperm

During an Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) cycle, oral or injectable fertility medications may be used to stimulate the ovary and promote ovulation. Alternatively, insemination can be timed during your natural ovulation cycle. Near the time of ovulation, sperm is placed directly into the uterine cavity through a small catheter. This is a short office procedure similar to a pap smear. Approximately two weeks later, a pregnancy test is taken.

You may also elect to use donor sperm for fertilization of eggs through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). In that case, donor sperm is placed directly with the retrieved eggs in the laboratory to create embryos, which can then be transferred to the uterus or cryopreserved for future use.

Meet with Our Genetic Counselors

Patients interested in using donor sperm will meet with our Genetic Counselors to ensure an appropriate match. You will also meet with our mental health team to discuss relationship and family dynamics, age-appropriate ways to disclose to your children how they were conceived and issues related to anonymity and a possible search for biological siblings in the future.

fertility office

Choosing A Donor Type


Donor sperm can be used from a known donor, an anonymous donor whose identity is not disclosed, or an open-identity donor who gives the child the option to contact the donor after turning 18 years old.

Known Sperm Donor

If you decide to use a known sperm donor, the donor must be screened by a licensed sperm bank prior to donation in accordance with federal law. The donor also has the option to attend the patient’s initial consultation.

Anonymous Sperm Donor

If you opt for an anonymous or open-identity donor, we will help guide the selection process by providing a list of reputable donor sperm banks in the area. We will also ensure the match is the healthiest possible choice based on the genetic information available and help with decisions like how many and which types of vials of sperm to purchase.

fertility clinic appointment

Sperm Donors Are Rigorously Screened

All prospective donors undergo rigorous screening of their medical and family history and have genetic testing performed to identify possible carrier conditions that could result in the conception of a child with a genetic illness. Anonymously donated sperm is frozen and quarantined for six months prior to availability for use to ensure the donor does not have an infectious disease.

Speak to a Fertility Specialist & Get Started

Submit the form for an appointment. For immediate new patient scheduling, call 866-762-3140.

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Schedule Your First Visit866-762-3140

Existing patients with inquiries, please call your local office or send a message via the Artemis Patient Portal.