How Much Does IVF Cost in Florida?

If you’re considering IVF in Florida, you’ve probably noticed that costs vary – considerably – depending on which practice you look at. The other thing you may have noticed is that IVF doesn’t cost just one price – there are several options you can opt for.

Well, you’re right: IVF costs are not cut and dry, and they are not consistent across clinics. So how do you make a decision about which clinic is right for you?

Reproductive Medicine Associates of Florida (RMA FL) has put together a guide to help you navigate costs so you are better prepared to begin your infertility journey with financial peace of mind.

*Keep in mind your costs will vary depending on the type of insurance you have, and the below guide is reflective of costs without insurance benefits.

How Much Does IVF Cost in Florida?

The average cost of an IVF cycle in the U.S. is $12,400, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. That means some clinics charge less than that, while others charge more.

What’s included in one IVF cycle?

It helps to think of one IVF cycle in three stages: retrieval, fertilization/embryo culture, and frozen embryo transfer. Each stage has associated costs.

IVF Egg Retrieval Costs

Fertilization/Embryo Culture Costs (Optional Items)

Frozen embryo transfer costs

IVF Cost vs. Value

While the above costs give a good idea of everything you could pay for depending on your unique situation, there are other considerations when choosing a clinic.

IVF success rates

High success rates will give you the best chance of taking home a healthy baby. They are important for another reason, too: the higher the success rates, the less you’ll have to spend. Think of it this way: if you go to a clinic that is good at what they do, you will need fewer cycles to accomplish your goal.

Fewer cycles = less overall cost

Personalized Care

Is the clinic big enough to have the best technology and talent, but small enough to remember your name? Are you assigned a nurse that will stay with you throughout your journey? Do the physicians perform morning ultrasounds or do technicians do it? Do you feel cared for and listened to?

Choosing a boutique clinic that offers personalized, responsive care can make a big difference in how you feel during the process.

Morning Monitoring

Prior to retrieval, you’ll be seeing your doctor for ‘morning monitoring,’ where the progression of your ovarian stimulation will be analyzed. Because morning monitoring really does happen in the morning, you’ll want to check your clinic shortlist to compare morning monitoring hours and decide which ones work for you.

Can you fit in a 9 am monitoring session during your busy schedule or do you need a 6 am slot? These types of details are important, so don’t overlook them.

Laband Surgery Center

Finally, take a look at how much your clinic offers in-house. Does it have an embryology laboratory on-site or does it use a partner’s space at a distant location?  Will your procedures happen at the same location your morning monitoring happens at?

As you can see, when it comes to finding the best infertility clinic for you in Florida, there is a lot to consider. But the more you know, the better you can navigate the landscape to find the best clinic for you.

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